Saturday, April 30, 2011

Strawberries to die for....

It is market day in Castelsarrasin. It is obviously strawberry time as the stalls were just full of large, plump, red strawberries. Peter doesn't like strawberries, so I rarely buy them... but these looked so good, I bought a double punnet thinking I might make a shortcake or something.

When I got back to the barge, I popped a strawberry into my mouth. My face must have said it all, because Peter said 'What's the matter?' I just handed him a strawberry... him who does not eat them because they are tasteless with seeds that stick in his teeth.... He had one, and he said, 'Good Lord'... What did you do to them?" I said, "Nothing." He said 'Come on... did you sugar them? glaze them? marinate them in something?"

They are the sweetest, juciest, taste like strawberry, plumpest strawberries I have ever had.. a bit of heaven in each mouthful. So we ate the whole double punnet and are going to a market in another town tomorrow to get some more!!

1 comment:

  1. agreed - I am also not a strawberry person but thought they were devine in Avignon in 2009 - also in May
